Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Random pics

I was cleaning off my camera card and found some random pictures that don't really warrant a whole post so I thought I'd throw them on here. Probably boring to most of you reading but I wanted to remember. The other night when we were watering plants and trees in the yard we found a baby bird (which later turned into us finding 3 baby birds). Bless it's heart it was not a cutie. Can you see the fuzz on top of it's head? We put it on the table while we looked for a nest or where it came from. He seemed fine but sat perfectly still. It was crazy how still he could be!

Of course Presley being the little momma that she is wanted to hold and carry it around. Jared sat down with her so she could see it up close. She kept telling it to "come here" and didn't understand why she couldn't take it as her own! Jared's face is hysterical here and he will hate this pic but I love her little expression. He was making chirping noises and of course she was doing the same! The bird just sat there and looked at them like they were crazy.
Other random picture.....later that night I was putting up laundry and things and I sent Presley to her room to put up her shoes. She's like me and takes them off as soon as we are inside. I told her to take them to her room and later when I went to look this is what I found. Technically inside her room. But only by a few tiny inches! Guess next time I'll be more specific!

I am not complaining though. She is a big helper and likes to take dirty laundry down to the "wash the clothes". That's what she calls washer and dryer. I guess because I always say "I have to wash the clothes". I love how she picks up on things.

Okay...enough of the randomness. Just had to document before I deleted from my camera.

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