Crazy week so far. Sunday we stayed home from church because Presley was super cranky. She got happier in the afternoon so we went to see my sweet little grandpa for his 90th birthday! Presley seemed good the rest of the day and that night. Monday afternoon I ended up at the pediatrician's office because Presley was fussy and pulling at her ears. However she napped on the way over and when we got to the parking lot of the doctor's office, this was what she looked like. Happy and bright eyed..... HAHA! Our doctor assured me that babies always seem great when they get to his office. And she did in fact have fluid on one ear and an infection in the other. So we started an antibiotic. Tuesday Miss P was great and back to herself. Wednesday Pepaw had a heart cath so I took Presley with me to the office because he and memaw were at the hospital. Let's just say she gets treated like a princess when she's in my office! This is Presley with Marla.
And she was actually pretty content hanging out in the floor. She played with toys, tried to crawl and here she's reading her favorite book. We had lunch at El Chico with a group from work but Presley slept through the whole lunch! Being at the office is just hard work!
She really liked the plastic mat under my chair. She slapped it all day long!
Wednesday night Miss P was back to pulling at her ears again so today we are going back to see the doctor. I know I'm probably being paranoid but I need to hear our sweet doctor say she's okay. And with it being a holiday weekend I do NOT want to end up in the ER! This morning I got up early because Presley woke up fussing so we had extra time to work on crawling before we lef the house. I think she looks like a big girl in these clothes! They are from Old Navy (clearance rack!) and I love them. We're so past onsies now...this girl likes outfits! (okay well it's really me but she will too).
The concrete is just a little too slick. She gets to close and then gives up because she has to fight not to slide.
And this is the reason I decided to go ahead and call the doctor. She's still pulling at her ears. And we've been without paci for close to 2 weeks now but this morning I couldn't take the fussing so I let her have it before we left. I know, I know....but sometimes you have to pick your battles!
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